What is your favorite chess piece?
Hmmm...All of them? Rooks and knights are my favorites on the surface because I count on them most in strategy.
I like rooks because I like to castle my king, and usually that keeps me from losing a little bit longer (my older brother was a pretty good chess player when we were younger...chess became a game of breaking my move-record for staying alive rather than winning).
I love the knights, however. I like that they move in a really different way than other pieces. This makes them really useful at times, but really frustrating at other times. I always feel really defensive about the knights because some people are of the opinion that knights are useless. This is an utterly false claim. If you find your knights to be useless, then you are obviously not using them properly. User error should not reflect on the character of the piece itself.
Pawns! Pawns are amazing. They can become queens if they make it across the board alive. They can block strategies and defend other pieces, even though they are arguably the least valuable and most expendable pieces on the board (unless you are of the sick opinion that knights are less valuable).
Bishops...I like the fact that they have to stay on one color. It turns the chessboard into an elaborate game of the white or black squares are lava. They are useful, but slightly overrated, I think.
The queen. The only piece that the queen cannot match maneuvers with is the knight (which is probably another reason why I like knights so much...they are the only piece not like the queen in any way). I appreciate her versatility, but she is always in danger, no matter where she goes because she is the "most valuable", supposedly. This makes me not like her as much. She's easy to lose sometimes, and I always feel crummy when I lose my queen.
The king...well, if you lose him, you lose the game, so you're sort of forced to like him. The ultimate object is not only to protect your king, but to capture your opponent's king as well...so by the end of the game you want two kings. If you play chess, you must like the king enough to want two. Therefore, everyone who plays chess must like kings. :)

Edible chess!