Monday, April 25, 2011

80 Prompts: 1. Name something that you lost or gave away that can never be replaced

I stumbled upon this journal writing prompt site the other day and I decided to give it a shot blog-style! Woohoo!
Here goes:

Name something that you lost or gave away that can never be replaced:

As funny as it may seem, this item would be a little rubber rat that I had in kindergarten. The story behind the rat goes like this:

When I was a little kid, my paternal grandparents lived in the same town as my family, so my brothers and I were over at their place on a near-daily basis. My grandpa was something of a prankster (to put it mildly). One of his greatest joys in life was teasing my grandma through various practical jokes. One day, he hid a little rubber rat in a house plant in their kitchen, hoping that my grandma would find it and that he would have the unparalleled pleasure of hearing her scream.

As luck would have it, I was vising my grandparents that particular afternoon. While I was sitting at the kitchen counter, eating frozen orange juice cake with my grandma, I noticed the little rat in kitchen plant. I pulled it out and showed it to my grandma. She was a little surprised by it, but I'm sure years of living with my grandpa had sort of dulled the shock of finding such little treasures about the house. We decided that the little rat should stay in the kitchen and that the house plant would be his home.

When my grandma died a few months later, I took the rat home with me; I'm not really sure what happened to it beyond that. It may very well have been confiscated by my parents, since I had the unfortunate habit of bringing the rat to school with me (it sort of scared the other children), but I can't really recall that happening. Now it's just one of those weird, childhood memories that pops up every now and then. So, yeah, an irreplaceable rubber rat.

So...what irreplaceable thing have you lost or given away?

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